Saturday, December 27, 2008

Okay here we go... The kids tell me that to be a part of this great new generation I need to be a blogger. I doubt very much that I have anything interesting to say but I'm going to give it a try if for no other reason than to practice typing! I thought that all I needed to do this Christmas was just get through the first of two Christmases while Regan is serving a mission in Mexico. That was my goal... well things have been toooo nuts to just float along. I feel like January. Cold, dark, long, boring, icy, only endured January. I think I missed Christmas! Amberly and Galen came up and we made a valiant attempt at making it normal but it wasn't. You need kids to have fun at Christmas time, all of them. All the family that you love. Healthy, together, not just on the phone, not just went home, TOGETHER with you. Now this isn't to say that having Keelen home for a week wasn't great it was but I missed him here for Christmas. And talking to Regan from the mission field was exactly what I dreamed would happen this year but I still miss him. Grand kids are the best part of life and we didn't get to have them here this year. It makes all of us sad to have to share Isaac and Marlyce with anyone. Getting to see Branch , Emily , and Himaya for a few days was wonderful but I can't even begin to describe the terror of having Emily so sick. I guess I should focus on the blessings... we have a lot of them! I'm blessed to have a family to miss! I'm blessed to have the power of the Priesthood in my home. To know the number to call when someone I love needs the added prayers of faithful temple goers. I'm blessed to have the ability to light the ancient furnace that lives and consumes in the basement. I guess I'm even am blessed that the wind blows in Wyoming and moves most of the snow off the driveway. And wow what a blessing to know that I have a Savior that lived and died for me and next year a vow to do a better job of remembering him at this time of year. The sun WILL come out tomorrow!